Dr. Kisha Roberts-Tabb and Laura Ng both recognize the importance of intervention to prevent future victimization for minors who have encountered either or both of their systems due to involvement with juvenile justice or having survived child sexual abuse due to the high linkage of these particular ACEs to sex trafficking.
Dr. Kisha Roberts-Tabb works as the Human Trafficking Gender Responsive LGBTQ Specialist at the Cook County Juvenile Probation. Laura Ng is the Human Trafficking Specialist at the Chicago Children's Advocacy Center. Both recognize the importance of intervention to prevent future victimization for minors who have encountered either or both of their systems due to involvement with juvenile justice or having survived child sexual abuse due to the high linkage of these particular ACEs to sex trafficking. Through their individual work as well as their close partnership to support mutual clients, they have been proactive and successful in reducing known risk factors for minor sex trafficking.
Dr. Kisha Roberts-Tabb created, implemented programs, mentored young ladies, and has been instrumental in bringing awareness around gender responsive issues. As the first Human Trafficking Gender Responsive LGBTQ Specialist for Cook County Juvenile Probation Department, Dr. Tabb has worked alongside every branch of government and law enforcement agency. Sitting on several committees including the Chicago Coalition on Urban Girls, Cook County Human Trafficking Taskforce, CCHT Taskforce Training Subcommittee, Cook County Multi-Disciplinary Team, and Co-Chair of the Anti-Children Trafficking Workgroup. The knowledge and passion Dr. Roberts-Tabb possesses has impacted service providers nationally sitting before the Congressional Caucus for Black Women and Girls in Washington DC and Illinois.
Laura Ng serves as the Human Trafficking Specialist at the Chicago Children’s Advocacy Center who, along with their partners, are the front-line responders in Chicago to reports of child sexual abuse. Over the last few years, the ChicagoCAC has increased their focus on serving children who have experienced or are at high-risk of experiencing the victimization that results from sex or labor trafficking. Through her active role in the Cook County Human Trafficking Task Force and partnerships with other anti-trafficking, labor rights, homelessness, youth runaway, LGBTQ, and sexual assault victim advocacy agencies, Laura has established ChicagoCAC as a major collaborative player. Prior to being at the ChicagoCAC, Laura served as the Executive Director at Traffick Free for ten years.
Here are the resources shared by the presenters and SHI:
Slides: https://webinars.sharedhope.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ImportanceIntervention_PPT.pdf
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/aces/fastfact.html
Report Cards on Child & Youth Sex Trafficking: https://reportcards.sharedhope.org/
Share your state’s grade with your legislators and ask them to fight child sex trafficking: https://act.sharedhope.org/IwIeuHk
Advanced Legislative Framework: https://sharedhope.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/SHI_2020_Advanced-Legislative-Framework-Report_FINAL.pdf
Summary on Issue Areas 4 & 5, Access to Justice for Trafficking Survivors and Tools for A Victim-Centered Criminal Justice Response: https://sharedhope.org/2021/09/29/advanced-legislative-framework-issue-area-4-5/