(Sept 9, 2020 @ 2 – 3:30 ET)—In the first webinar of our three-part Back to School Internet Safety series, we will be discussing how traffickers and online predators are taking advantage of youth’s reliance on the internet during the COVID-19 pandemic to sexually exploit them at an unprecedented rate—all from behind a screen. Panelists will unpack predator tactics, youth vulnerabilities, screentime psychology, warning signs, and so much more!
Internet Safety Basics: How Predators Identify, Groom, and Exploit Youth Online
Internet Safety Basics: How Predators Identify, Groom, and Exploit Youth Online
(Sept 9, 2020 @ 2 – 3:30 ET)—In the first webinar of our three-part Back to School Internet Safety series, we will be discussing how traffickers and online predators are taking advantage of youth’s reliance on the internet during the COVID-19 pandemic to sexually exploit them at an unprecedented rate—all from behind a screen.
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