The Role of Faith in the Recovery Process – A Survivor’s Perspective

Wed, Aug 15, 2021 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EDT
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The Role of Faith in the Recovery Process – A Survivor’s Perspective


There are many paths in recovery that survivors must walk to find complete holistic health including, financial, environmental, social, mental, physical, and spiritual healing. Spiritual healing, one of the more unmeasured paths in the healing process of survivors, looks very different for everyone. We will hear from a panel of three survivors sharing their uniquely different faith journeys through their steps to recovery. They will share how faith/spirituality played a role in their lives before, during, and after exploitation. They will share about broken faiths, unanswered questions, and doubts that they never expected to be answered or restored. They will share how spirituality should not be overlooked in the recovery process.

In September, Shared Hope’s, Jo Lembo met with panelists Marjorie Saylor, Jessica Kim and Keelin Washington, to discuss the Role of Faith in the Recovery Process. The panel of three survivors shared their uniquely different faith journeys through their steps to recovery. They shared how faith/spirituality played a role in their lives before, during, and after exploitation. If you need access to the transcript for this webinar, please email

Marjorie Saylor, Founder/CEO, The Well Path

Marjorie Saylor is the current Program Director of Alabaster Jar Project’s long-term shelter program and drop-in resource center for adult women survivors of sex trafficking. She is also the Board President of the Survivor Leader Network of San Diego, which advocates for legislation recommendations for victims of trafficking while working to mentor other survivors into leaders. In 2017 she became the Founder and CEO of The Well Path, which provides emergency shelter services to both male and female survivors across the US with her hotel voucher program. Marjorie has been very active in the community helping to educate and inform delegates, law enforcement, healthcare workers, community advocates, and students at all levels of education, as she works to ensure the safety of her communities.

Jessica Kim, MSW, Program Director of Educational Pathways, Point Loma Nazarene University

Jessica Kim, MSW is a Social Worker, Advocate, Author, and Public Speaker. She has over10 years of experience in prevention, education, research, and public speaking in the anti-human trafficking field. After she escaped years of sexual exploitation under the control of her step-father, she found freedom through her faith and through education. Passionate about how faith empowers survivors, Jessica now uses her knowledge and life experience to educate and inspire a wide range of audiences. Through her work with Point Loma Nazarene University, she continues to find solutions to empower the public and survivors of trafficking to exit the life of exploitation and find freedom.

Keelin Washington, Survivor Advocate/Mental Health Coach, GenerateHope

Keelin Washington is currently completing her Social Work and Psychology dual-degree program. She is currently working at Point Loma Nazarene University as a Program Facilitator on multiple anti-human trafficking programs. Including support groups and the kNOw More program an awareness curriculum for middle and high school-aged youth. She has taught at schools all over San Diego County, talked with thousands of students, and partners with other lived experience experts to continue the work. Keelin is the Survivor Leader and Mental Health Coach at Generate Hope a safe house that provides healing and a real way out. She has spoken at conferences, The Washington Times podcast, and media interviews.

The Well Path:
Point Loma Nazarene University: Center for Justice and Reconciliation: